Friday, February 15, 2008

Was Yesterday Valentine's Day?

This was originally posted on our church website blog in response to some other posts, but thought I would share it here. Even if you don't know the "who", I hope you will understand the "what and why".

Valentine's Day kind of limped past at our house, too. Jeff woke me up at 4am jokingly saying "Get up, it's morning...think about the ant!" I think he had been reading Proverbs 6 the night before. That was not exactly the way most women would start a "perfect dream holiday of love and romance" but it was our normal routine. He got up and went to work, but I have become accustomed to him not being there sometimes on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, etc. so Valentine's is no big deal. He came in from work and ate something quickly standing up and had to go to the shop to make a part for a farmer's broken down tractor, so there was no candlelit dinner here either. There were no cards, no chocolates, and we didn't even mention that it was Valentine's until right before we went to sleep that night. All we exchanged were the words "Happy Valentine's Day", but a lot more was "exchanged" that really shows what love is. Like Tracy said, the getting up and going to work when you don't want to, but because you love someone, the getting up and fixing breakfast (when you ache all over) because you love someone, etc. Just the normal routine that says "I love you" more than a card ever could. Maybe sometime in the future when time allows we can go have a meal out or something "romantic", but life and love don't always work around a "holiday" schedule. Life went on just as usual this Valentine's Day, but it was that usual routine that showed what love really means.

We are very blessed, aren't we, not to just have the Christian husbands we have...but also to know and understand what love is about. So many people think it is about what cards or flowers or candy you give and get, but true Godly love is about giving and receiving things that can't be bought.

(P.S. Even if he had come home and said "let's go, I'm taking you out for a romantic dinner" I would have had to pass anyway! Ha Ha I hadn't washed my hair since Saturday and hadn't touched makeup since Sunday. true confession time. I didn't look OR FEEL like a Valentine yesterday!)

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